I thought you were trying to get into shape? I am. The shape I’ve selected is a triangle. Funny!!! Wasn’t it? This was just a trailer.

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All work and no play, makes Jack a dull boy. Is there anything in life without humour?

Humour is the tendency of particular conscious mental activities and experiences to provoke laughter and provide amusement.

You all will be surprised to know that all of us at the team EC came in contact through a food group and though one post which was a laughter riot. That is when we decided that, unlike any other food group, our group will have a special column and file maintained for Humour only.

If you are bored then just search for the humour hash tag and you will get you daily dosage of laughter which is very important for one’s life besides food and drinks.

Survey says that a person who is always laughing and happy lives his life longer than the people always sulking and sad. Study says that oversized people are more cheerful and happy than thinner ones. TEAM EC IS FULL OF XXXL PEOPLE. We have live examples of members who shared their sad stories and then forgot about their sadness after coming to our group. Get in touch with our founders. Talk to us at the admin level and you will know what i am talking. Not to forget the daily humorous posts too. Follow simple rules and feel free to post anything.